If you have report templates that are visible in your account that you may not need to use, you may want them to be 'hidden' (disabled) so they are not available when you are scheduling appointments.
This is useful if you are only using TouchRight for specific reports e.g. mid term or inspection reports, and have no need to use the inventory templates. It can be useful to hide them so that they are not selected by mistake.
Also you may have set up some customised report templates to suit your business, or we may have assisted you to create some bespoke templates in your account. Once you are using these customised templates, you may want to hide some of the standard templates that you are not going to use.
To access your report templates
Select 'Report Templates' from the left hand side menu and then click 'Manage Reports' from the dropdown menu.
On the right hand side of all templates, you'll notice a 'x' which allows you to disable a template.
Once you click the button, the template will change colour to indicate it has been disabled.
Templates can easily be re-enabled in the future by clicking the 'tick' button.