New to TouchRight?
Once a report is finalised, download it as a PDF or email it out from TouchRight.
Download as a PDF
Once you've clicked ‘Save and Complete’ to finalise your report, click the download icon to the right of the report:
In 'Download Settings' choose from a number of display options for the PDF e.g. add contact details on the front of the report, landlord/tenant details etc.
Press the 'Download' button.
The report will open as a PDF.
Choose to save the report onto your own computer, or store in your back office system and attach as a PDF in your own email system.
Email the Report from TouchRight
Choose to email the report from TouchRight, by clicking the email icon to the right of the report:
Choose to send a URL link inside the email, or attach the PDF.
Select the recipients from the available saved landlords or tenants, or you can input the emails separately.
Select the email template you want to use.
Click Send.
Click the speech bubble next to a report to see who it was emailed to and when.
For further guidance, please check out this video.