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I linked my report but I didn't mean to - how can I remove the link?
I linked my report but I didn't mean to - how can I remove the link?
Updated over a week ago

Yes you can remove a link to another report. There's a number of ways you can do this...

If you linked an appointment you can unlink it at a number of points dependent on where the appointment/report is in your account:

If you have scheduled your appointment but not yet synchronised it to the app

You can edit your appointment once it has been scheduled in the 'Appointments>Manage' area of the dashboard. Click the pencil edit button in the actions column in line with the appointment you wish to edit.

Once the appointments window opens you can unlink your appointment via the checkbox on the right hand side of a selected template.

If you have scheduled your appointment and synchronised it to the app

Click on the address of the appointment and then on the pencil on the top right of the appointment detail window. You can then select to unlink in the bottom banner:

If you have scheduled your appointment, synchronised it to the app and completed the report

You will need to first synchronise your report to the TouchRight dashboard and then follow the next steps to unlink your report.

If the report is on your dashboard

Click the pencil icon in the actions column adjacent to the report you wish to edit in the reports area.

Click on the pencil icon in the 'Previous Report' Banner of the report. (If your report is in 'final' mode you will have to click the 'edit report' button again to switch it into draft mode).

In the pop-up window select select 'No' in the Link to previous report box and then click 'confirm'.

Your report will now be unlinked.

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